
Hand Made Baoci * SOLD OUT


The thinnest vase in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Ever since the invention of Kaolin ceramics, Jingdezhen porcelain has come to be known in the world for its unique characteristics of “being smooth as jade, thin as paper and ringing like a chime.”

Two sizes:

H8″ x D2″ (a lined box of 4)

H12″ x D5″  (a lined box of one pair)



The history of making baoci (thin as an egg shell) is much longer than that of the country that has made its name from china to China. The craftsmanship began in the New Stone Age over 10,000 years ago. These eggshell-thin vases are hand made and hand painted. A rare talent of art and skill.


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